Erica’s Table of 20 Delivers an Intimate Networking Experience – Black Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Sisters Inc

Erica’s Table of 20 Delivers an Intimate Networking Experience

erica's table of 20
Erica Dias (Photo Credit: Sydney Foster)

If you take a five-minute scroll through your Instagram feed you will see a countless number of networking events, meet-ups, and conferences that all promise value, but Erica’s Table of 20 is different. Now in its 36th installment, Erica’s Table of 20 provides a different approach to the saturated business and entrepreneurial networking scene. Erica’s Table of 20 is an intimate experience for guests to gather, engage, fellowship, and connect in a genuine manner. Each guest is hand-selected, and there is no level of hierarchy that exists whether you are known on a national scale or simply doing great things within the community you reside in.

BLACK ENTERPRISE had the opportunity to discuss this experience with businesswoman, author, and change agent Erica Dias.

What makes Erica’s Table of 20 unique?

I often reference this experience as my version of “Sunday Dinner” that many of us used to have with family and friends. In my case, this Sunday dinner was hosted by my late grandmother, Helen Dias, who passed away from cancer. Guests would get dressed up, talk about everything under the sun, from worldly topics to their personal journey, paired with good food and laughter. All of my guests at this affair are selected due to their contributions in their respected communities, success within their careers, and value that they bring to everyone else at the dinner.

When did you realize that Erica’s table of 20 was really having an impact?

When men and women from all over the world began to inquire about attending the event I realized that this was bigger than just 20 people convening inside of Neiman Marcus. People have flown in from Nigeria, LA, Atlanta, Miami, and various other locations to take part in this gathering. It is an experience that cannot be duplicated.

You recently hosted your 36th Table of 20 in NYC. What is different about Erica’s Table of 20 in 2020 and moving forward?

2020 is a manifestation year as the Table of 20 travels to various cities. “Manifestation” meaning that each and every attendee will be challenged and inspired to put ideas into actions and actions into successes. As connections are formed throughout the event, each person at the table will be encouraged to connect with at least one person and have periodic “check-ins” to help encourage and push each other to manifest their goals. Marketing guru Ashunna Ayars and associate producer of The Wendy Williams Show, Derrick Warner, provided instrumental advice to the attendees.

Why are Erica’s Table of 20 events important for you?

As a businesswoman, author, and change agent, I am busy. I spend hours and hours helping others to build and grow their brands and visibility, oftentimes at the expense of my own goals. I recently re-released my best-selling book, Faith It Until You Make It, which is full of inspirational quotes that are bound to give you that pick-me-up that you need to get pumped up throughout the year. When I attend my event I am, in turn, getting a pick-me-up from each and every attendee. They may not realize it, but their stories and successes provide me with some of that much-needed inspiration to build my personal and professional brand. People, including myself, need that intimate approach to networking which challenges, inspires, and truly makes you move forward toward your goals.

How can we learn more about Erica’s Table of 20?

Get familiar with this event by visiting @TableOf20 on Instagram or visit the website at
