Entrepreneurs: Learn How to Use Technology to Take Your Business to the Next Level

SocialPeople.tv founder and Black Enterprise Small Business University Instructor James Andrews

We get it: The sheer thought of outfitting your business withe latest technology—and then trying to keep up with all of that technology!—can be completely overwhelming. Unless you sign up right now for the best tech tutorial you can get for your business as part of the Black Enterprise Small Business University powered by Dell


Register now for video courses from SocialPeople.tv founder James Andrews on how a few simple and smart moves could help you take your business to the next level with the right technology. Along with learning the latest apps and absolutely necessary tech tools you need, you’ll also have a chance to win more than $50,000 in prizes, including a small biz tech makeover courtesy of Dell.

Visit blackenterprise.com/sbu now for more details! And check out SBU instructor James Andrews’s video below telling you how the Black Enterprise Small Business University will help prepare you for BIG business.

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