Entrepreneurs Summit: 5 Power-Packed Quotes from Lisa Nichols – Black Enterprise

Entrepreneurs Summit: 5 Power-Packed Quotes from Lisa Nichols

(Image: Nichols)

Lisa Nichols is the CEO and Founder of Motivating the Masses, one of the top training and development companies in the world and the only one to be publicly traded. The motivational speaker and best-selling author travels all over the globe, teaching millions of people how to accomplish their goals and maximize their potential.

Nichols, who went from struggling single mom on public assistance to millionaire entrepreneur, will be one of the Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit speakers in Atlanta from May 13-16. If you’re an entrepreneur in need of direction and motivation, you definitely want to be in the building when the motivational guru shares her wisdom.

Get a glimpse into what you can expect from Lisa Nichols at Entrepreneurs Summit with five of our favorite power packed Twitter quotes.
