[PHOTO RECAP] Entrepreneurs Gain Insight at Walmart 20/20 Vision Forum

On Oct. 1, Black Enterprise and Walmart hosted the 20/20 Vision Forum in Atlanta, a forum providing information to entrepreneurs on supplier diversity. ---Raqiyah Mays (Images: File) more
Attendees network to further their connections.
Carolyn Brown (far left) moderates a panel on Walmart In-store leasing with Asia Seman, Founder, Cleopatra Beauty Shop, Hampton, GA and Anthony Hylton, Senior Director, Walmart Store Channel.
For some, business is a family affair. Attendees gather around the microphone to ask questions.
Black Enterprise's Alfred Edmond provides advice.
Those in attendance came ready to learn.
Any business owner knows networking is key.
Black Enterprise's Editor In Chief Derek Dingle moderates the panel, SHELF SPACE: Going From Local To National Distribution Conversation with a Walmart Supplier and Regional Manager. Panelists featured Alma Lopez, director, supplier diversity, Walmart and Stephen Gilchrist, President, GLS Distributors-Wallace Pork Skins. more
Attendees were delighted to be enlightened.
Earl “Butch” Graves Jr., President and CEO of Black Enterprise, provides closing remarks saying, “We have to find ways to merge and grow. Corporate America wants to do business with less people, not more.”more
Black Enterprise thanks all who made the 20/20 Vision Forum a success.


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