Award-Winning Author Sheri Booker Encourages Peers To Be Great

Author Sheri Booker

Award-winning author and entrepreneur Sheri Booker has been using her success and passion for writing to encourage her peers to share their stories and be great, which speaks to her newest venture Let Me Be Great (LMBG).

Booker, a Baltimore native, has spent the latter part of her success with speaking engagements, giving back to her community, and mentoring others to tap into their full writing potential. Booker’s success has allowed her to win a NAACP Image Award for her book “Nine Years Under: Coming of Age In An Inner-City Funeral Home ” where she discusses her nine years working in a Baltimore funeral home.

Let Me Be Great was born from Booker’s passion for helping others overcome challenges and she’s been spreading her message ever since.

“I knew I wanted to help someone else. I had already self-published my own work and marketed the brand, so I needed to help others. I wanted to be a book mentor and help people tell their stories, there are so many women who have stories and are afraid to tell them,” she said.

She insists that personal stories may sometimes be scary to tell but writers must take heed and be open to telling the story.

“If it’s important to the story you have to tell it; in writing, fear is good because you can take that fear and transfer it to the page and it comes out beautiful.

Not only does her LMBG company provide a book mentoring service, the company provides e-courses and Master Classes where aspiring writers leave with accountability partners.

Let Me

Be Great will create content to help writers wherever they are in the process. Let Me Be Great has a client base that includes a Fox News producer and a notable state attorney. Let Me Be Great will feature interviews with other successful authors who are willing to share their success secrets with aspiring authors.

From her success with Nine Years Under to her well-established company LMBG, Booker is a force to be reckoned with. At an early age, she has broken barriers and accomplished a great deal, but she doesn’t let ageism define her story. Her book Nine Years

is currently being shopped around as a television series.

“I think that there’s no better time to tell our stories and the time is now. I feel like too many people tell our stories when we are capable our telling them. I really want to work with people of color and other minorities to get their stories out. Take one step and I will take two to get your story told.” Booker says.

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