Entrepreneur of the Week: Anie Akpe Turns Frustration Into Innovation – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Entrepreneur of the Week: Anie Akpe Turns Frustration Into Innovation

(Image: Anie Akpe)

The traditional career or business rule you’re glad you didn’t follow.
The traditional business rule I didn’t follow was; build a concept and immediately after that start looking for funding. I did the opposite. I built my concepts and self-funded it because I believed in what I was building and I also knew it would be successful. In essence, I chose to invest in me, and I’m not knee deep in loans.

Many trailblazers find themselves making their own rules. What have you discovered you’d do your own way?
Sticking to my vision. I didn’t allow anyone else to divert me from my vision. People often allow others to intrude on an idea and make adjustments to what they think is better for you. When you start to look back, you suddenly realize that the idea has gone so far off track from the dream that it no longer looks like the original concept. I stay authentic to my vision, and it allows me to stay on the course.

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