Emory University


Mailing Address: 201 Dowman Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322

Rank on 2008 List: 29

Rank on 2006 List: 37

Average GPA: 3.72

Matriculation Rates of African American students: 21.5%

Matriculation Rates for Rest of Students: 28.8%

Total Enrollment: 6,538

African American Enrollment: 597

Number of Applications Received: 17,446

Acceptance Rates: 26.5%

*Average SAT Scores: Reading: 640-730; Math 660-740; Writing: N/A

Black Student Group(s): Black Student Alliance

Summer Program(s): Emory Pre-College Program, Academic Study Associates, Barkley Forum Debate Camp, Castle Chess Camp, Challenge and Champions, Camp Carlos-Michael C. Carlos Museum, National Youth Leadership Forum, Special Olympics Georgia, Youth Theological Initiative, Teen Leaders of America, Variety of Sports Camps

Application Deadline(s): Jan 15

Early Admissions Deadline(s): Early decision I: Nov. 1 and Early decision II: Jan 1

Start Sending Acceptance Letters: Early decision I: Dec. 15; Early Decision II: Feb. 15; April 1 for Regular Applicants

Financial Aid Deadline(s): March 1

Costs: Tuition: $35,800; Housing:$6,472; Books: $1,000

Greek Organizations: Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Gamma Rho

*25th Percentile-75th Percentile


Scott L. Allen, Associate Dean of Admissions

What type of student does Emory attract?

The kinds of kids that are attracted to Emory and are successful tend to

be really outgoing. They are attracted to Emory because it’s modern, it’s in the city, and it has an edge to it. We tend to get kids who celebrate diversity; it’s something that’s easily celebrated here.

What should students have on their application to standout?

The quality of curriculum in high school is going to stand out foremost to the admission committee, as well as the essays, the extra-curriculum activities, and the recommendations that come in. It’s really quality and diversity of activities that stand out to the committee. We want to not only see kids involved but doing different activities.

What does Emory do to attract minority students?

Our location, Atlanta, attracts kids from everywhere because Atlanta has the representation of being a new, modern, young city. We have a strong Alumni club and chapter activity by different ethnic and racial groups, in addition to the college fair and high school visit outreach. We have two coordinators of multi-cultural commitment and they are in charge of the outreach programs. We’re also a member of an organization called Quest Bridge, a national org that targets not only minority students, but students from disadvantage backgrounds regardless of racial and ethnic background.

Why should students choose Emory?

One of the benefits is the culture of accessibility-faculty, administrators, etc are very open to students and reach out in a social way. Undergrads are not thought as second class citizens at Emory, they are truly 100% apart of the fabric of the university. Another thing, the undergraduate level is a very friendly place. You will often hear Emory students say that they do not feel a cut-throat environment. It’s not like other places where students get together and are too competitive among each other. The nature of the campus is very friendly.

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