Entrepreneur Summit Elevator Pitch Winner Shares Overnight Success Story – Black Enterprise

Entrepreneur Summit Elevator Pitch Winner Shares Overnight Success Story

(Image: Camille Newman)

If you haven’t caught wind of Camille Newman and her plus-size online and pop up shop, Pop Up Plus, you will.

Winner of the 2015 Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit Elevator Pitch Competition, Newman has since taken the fashion industry by storm, redefining what it means to be plus-sized and poppin.’

[Related: Elevator Pitch Competition Tips, Straight from the Judges]

BlackEnterprise.com caught up with Newman to find out what’s transpired since winning the competition. Check out what she had to say.

BlackEnterprise.com: What’s new since winning Black Enterprise’s 2015 Elevator Pitch Competition at Entrepreneurs Summit?

Newman: A lot is new. After the pitch competition Alfred Edmond [Black Enterprise SVP/Executive Editor-at-Large] really became a trusted mentor for me. He helped me to see the bigger picture in my business and to understand how to have realistic achievable goals. He also helped me to look beyond Pop Up Plus to explore brand extensions for Pop Up Plus, as well as myself.

I can also now add designer to my resume now. I’ve just introduced a line, as of January, called Body by Love, which is exclusively custom-made pieces from Pop Up Plus and it’s very unique in that we go from a 1x to 5x in sizing.

I’ve also extended my brand. I’ve been doing speaking engagements and it’s just been crazy. The exposure has been great.

As an entrepreneur, what do you think you’ve done right, thus far, to ensure PopUp Plus’s success?

I run my life and business on passion, purpose, plan and profitability. I am completely passionate about my product. I’m clear on the purpose of my product. I’ve also been successful because I’ve had a plan of execution. I had a strategy ironed out. Profitability is always in the back of my mind and I had to learn that early. At the end of the day if it can’t profit it’s not a sound idea.

If you could have an entrepreneurial do-over, what would that be?

It would be finding the right mentor earlier on.

As an online entrepreneur what are you doing to keep your business ‘cut above the rest?’

It’s tough. That’s why I introduced Body by Love. You really have to find a niche and target it hard. You almost have to find a niche within a niche. It takes a really refined message to really set yourself above the rest. You have to perpetually be fresh, unique, and on trend.

This year you’re hosting a Pitch Lab Meet-up at the Summit. What tips can you offer those that will be in the position you were in last year, pitching for a chance to win $10,000?

1. Clearly define your unique selling proposition.
2. You have to be enthusiastic and engaging.

To hear more from Newman, REGISTER NOW, for the 2016 BE Entrepreneurs Summit, May 4-7, Loews Hotel Miami, Miami, Florida.

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