Eight Mistakes to Avoid While Job Hunting Online – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Eight Mistakes to Avoid While Job Hunting Online

Hitting “send” before you spell check and review the correspondence: There are no second chances to review documents or correct errors once you’ve hit “send” on a piece of online correspondence. “The speed at which information is delivered online is faster than your mind works, so you must be careful about what you’re sending,” says Nason, who advises all job candidates to thoroughly review their spelling, grammar and sentence structures (or better yet, have someone else check it for you), before hitting send. “Once it’s gone, you can’t pull it back and fix it.”

Focusing too much on your own goals and aspirations: If you really want to impress future employers, says Gillis, don’t tell them that your job objective is a “rewarding and challenging career in a progressive, exciting industry.” Instead, tell them that you sold $3 million in products and services over the last 12 months for your current employer, and show how you can deliver that same value to a new company. “Employers want to know what you can do for them,” says Gillis, “not the other way around.”



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