Families Making Below $150K In The Carolinas Are Eligible For Free Tuition From Duke University

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Carolina students are catching a big financial break.

Duke University recently announced that undergraduate students from the Carolinas could qualify for grants that cover tuition costs; this applies to current and future students, Forbes reported.

In the fall of 2023, North and South Carolina students can expect to receive 

grants if their household income is less than $150,000. Admitted undergraduate students from the Carolinas whose household income is at or under $65,000 can expect more assistance. The university will offer grants for full tuition, housing assistance, food, some course materials, and other miscellaneous expenses for students with a household income of $65,000 or less.

University President Vincent Price said, “This additional financial support for undergraduates reflects Duke’s commitment to our students from the Carolinas. By providing even more equitable access to a Duke

education and ensuring students have the resources they need to truly thrive while here at Duke, we will also make our campus community stronger.” Gary Bennett, dean of Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, believes increasing grant assistance this academic year will benefit Carolina communities. Bennett said in a statement, “Retaining talent is critical to our region’s success; Duke’s commitment to these students is also a commitment to the North and South Carolina communities they call home.”

Duke’s new financial assistance package will funnel out around $2 million more in grant assistance than the previous year. Financial assistance for Carolina students is not a one-year commitment, Forbes reported. Duke plans to increase financial assistance by $6 million or $7 million yearly for the next five years.

Duke’s new financial assistance will be a relief for many students. 

U.S. News & World Reports reported that tuition had increased significantly in the U.S. Private universities have seen an increase of 134% in tuition and 141% in public and state university tuition.

The university will fund the grants through its own resources, and roughly 340 Carolina students are expected to receive the full-tuition grants during the fall of 2023.

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