BE Modern Man: Meet ‘Mr. Dress For Success’ Jeff Lindor – Black Enterprise

BE Modern Man: Meet ‘Mr. Dress For Success’ Jeff Lindor

BE Modern Man Jeff Lindor
Jeff Lindor

Name: Jeff Lindor

Age: 31

Profession: CEO, GroomedSuccess Inc.

Social Media: IG: @GroomedSuccess | Twitter: @GroomedSuccess | Facebook: @GroomedSuccess

One Word That Describes You: Innovator


What does being one of the BEMM 100 Men of Distinction mean to you?

It is truly an honor to be recognize as one of the BEMM 100 Men of Distinction. I am included amongst distinguish gentlemen who are doing fantastic work in the business, government, and philanthropic communities.

What are you doing as a BEMM to help support black male achievement now or in the future?

I’m a social entrepreneur that focuses on building enterprises that helps to further advance the progression of men of color. My company, GroomedSuccess Inc., is a gentlemen’s social network that helps men sharpen skills, enhance appearance, and connect socially. We have a duplex loft in Brooklyn, New York, called The Gentlemen’s Factory, which serves as a co-working, retail, and gathering space. It is designed to assist men of color throughout life’s journey.

What are some examples of how you turned struggles into success?

Growing up, I didn’t have an abundance of resources at my disposal. I was born in Haiti, moved to Brooklyn at the age of 3, and was raised in a urban housing development. My humble beginnings ignited in me the fuel for social and economic change in the black community. I now develop enterprises that directly challenges the systemic plagues that hover over underserved populations.

What is your “Extraordinary Impact?”

GroomedSuccess is developing a powerful network of aspiring leaders and equipping them with the tools, resources, and connections to better navigate, participate, and succeed in today’s world. The Gentlemen’s Factory is the one-stop-shop for personal and professional male development.

What is an important quality you look for in your relationships with others?

Innovation and strategy are two qualities that I value deeply. Innovation challenges the status quo, while strategy puts the steps in place to ensure its sustainability.

What are some immediate projects you are working on?

I recently launched the official membership into the GroomedSuccess Network. I spent the last year surveying, interviewing, hosting events, and collecting other meaningful forms of data to get a more in-depth understanding of the direct needs of working-class black men. I used that information to develop a membership package that adds value to their life’s journey. I’m also in the process of raising capital to have more Gentlemen Factories across the city of New York and will look to expand to urban communities throughout the country. It is important that men have a safe space to learn, grow, connect, and build together.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

“People operate in life based on the level of information they’ve obtained.” As a result, I am constantly sharpening my mind and educating myself so I can be well-prepared for life’s challenges.

What is some advice you have for other men who want to make a difference?

Address your limitations while building on your strengths. No man is an island. We grow in community, therefore, surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will help to push your mission forward.

How do you prep for an important business meeting and/or event?

I like to get as much information as possible. Market research is extremely important. It is always great to know as much as you can about the industry that you are trying to get into. As I prep for an important business meeting/event, I want to make sure that I know all that needs to be known, so I do not get blindsided.

As a busy Modern man, how do you unwind on vacation? 

Last year when I went to Turks and Caicos with my wife, it was there that I decided to leave my lucrative career to become a full-time entrepreneur. It is in relaxed and peaceful environments where I make life-altering decisions.

If you could travel and stay anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I would love to have a residence in Haiti, to be closer to my relatives and to take advantage of the great offerings of such a beautiful country!

Anything else you’d like to say?

We as black and brown men in America have been under attack for centuries. Society does a great job at suppressing our potential. If we do not define who we are, we will allow others to define us, and when they define us they will use their own definition. As a social entrepreneur, I am devoting the next 20 years of my life to developing companies that directly challenge the status quo!


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Come celebrate the BE Modern Man 100 Men of Distinction at the first-ever Black Men XCEL Summit, Aug. 30 – Sept. 3, at the PGA National Resort & Spa in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
