Dr. Mae Jemison Talks Overcoming Fear

(Image: www.jsc.nasa.gov)

Fear is a part of life for most entrepreneurs, dream-chasers, and success-seekers. However, Dr. Mae Jemison, the first black female astronaut in space, tells Fast Company

that being afraid is only a weakness if it keeps you from completing a task.

[Related: This Day in History: First African American to Walk in Space]

Jemison sat down with the magazine to talk about her groundbreaking accomplishments, what led her to a career with NASA, and how she used fear to hone her skills, overcome adversity, and maintain work/life balance.

Now a medical doctor, Jemison speaks of her fear of heights prior to joining the astronaut training program. “There was no way I was not going to get through because of my fear of heights,” Jemison told Fast Company.” Instead she relied on the strength of her ego to push her through.

“It’s a weakness only if it keeps you from doing stuff,” Jemison told the magazine.

To read more of what Mae Jemison had to say about embracing fear, the power of camaraderie, and the importance of confidence, head over to Fast Company.

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