Dr. Ali Yasin Teaches How to Think Like the Wealthy

Source: Dr. Ali Yasin

The timeless proverb Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime still holds true today. Dr. Ali Yasin, founder and host of The Billionaire Mastermind Forum, adds: Teach him how to buy the pond and sell fish. He will get rich selling fish.

Dr. Yasin believes that there are universal wealth principles that can be applied by anyone. “I’ve spent the past 30 years of my life utilizing these principles, and today we offer an online university and community, teaching principles of asset-controlled wealth via our prosperity network.”

The open forum teaches the principles of the super-wealthy through a live radio broadcast that trains, educates, equips and inspires others to join the ranks of the wealthy class – the top 1%. Dr. Yasin also believes that through the collaborative efforts of this unique community, people will be able to come together and shape their mindset for wealth accumulation. His philosophy is rooted in the principle: Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Here are some of Dr. Yasin’s tips for building wealth.

Be motivated beyond just making money. The driving force behind wealth-creation is the ability to be a dreamer and have a vision. Every millionaire or billionaire has vividly seen their dream in their mind’s eye before their dream became reality.  Dr. Dennis Kimbro sums it up best in his book The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires: You see things twice; first in your mind’s eye, then in the physical …

Be driven by passion and purpose. It’s perfectly okay if you didn’t pursue astronomy or car sales, assuming they were great opportunities. Why? Because those were not the paths fit for your true passions. Personally, I knew that in order to make a difference, I needed to commit to doing what I loved. I wanted to leave the world in a better place because of my passion, and to fulfill my purpose.

Don’t settle for anything less than excellent. Excellence is a standard or staple for success. Excellence is not about being perfect or without error, it’s a resolve to show up daily as the best you, giving your best and sharing your best. Excellence is a prerequisite to greatness.

Give more than you receive. This is an extremely important principle in wealth creation. This is an abundance mindset principle that, when applied, garners great results. Start out by giving of your time, energy, and knowledge, which gets multiplied as you provide solutions for the marketplace.

Think asset-controlled wealth accumulation. Dating back to biblical times, even in the days of the ancient pharaohs and kings, you will discover tremendous wealth power in what I call asset-controlled wealth. It simply means that your asset acquisitions are the driving force to accumulate wealth in order to establish and carry out your legacy.

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Follow your intuition and embrace risk. One prime example is Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. During his early college years, he dropped his classes and took a class in calligraphy.  His intuition to take this class prepared him to design the infamous Apple, the software icon that has changed the landscape of technology. He soon realized his fascination with computers and started his dream from the family garage. That “gutsy passion” to leverage numerous risks has rewarded and revolutionized the world.

Take action to avoid distraction. There are many excuses that could have been used for many of the successful people we read about. They could have allowed excuses to dictate their fate. It’s important to train your mindset and take the necessary steps toward your goals. Action is an automatic deterrent for distraction.

Quitting must never be an option. There are thousands of stories about successful people who never gave up, even in the midst of extreme adversity. Cathy Hughes started the largest African American-owned and operated broadcast company in the U.S., and became the first African American woman to head a publicly traded company. Her Washington, D.C.-based company, Radio One, has 53 stations in 16 urban markets. As company CEO, Hughes’ rise from teen mom to media mogul didn’t come easily. Starting out at Howard University’s radio station in the 1970s, she had the opportunity in 1980 to buy a radio station with her husband. The business suffered after previous employees destroyed the station and her marriage ended.

She lost her home but refused to give up her company. She and her son slept on the floor of the radio station until she finally turned the business around. Quitting is never an option for the wealth-driven.

Dr. Yasin and his collaborative partners are celebrating their sixth anniversary this upcoming week in Atlanta. He has joined forces with @CheBrownSales and @Trevor Otts of Peak Performers Institute, and Khadijah Chapman, CEO and Founder of The MBM Group and Network, LLC. Tune in to the Billionaire Mastermind Forum daily, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. EST.; 712-432-0075, Pin: 915358#. Everyone is welcome to attend. The forum features amazing content, co-hosts, and guests.

Roz A. Gee (@RozAGee) consults as The MediaMatch Mavenâ„¢ of The Rated Gee Agency with service sectors in media relations, brand readiness, and speaking and training. Roz has masterfully mixed over 20 years of cumulative experience and has worked professionally for industry titans such as General Electric, AT&T, AOL, IBM, and Northrop Grumman. Schedule a complimentary analysis at www.MediaMatchMaven.com. You can also find her on Twitter (@RozAGee) and Facebook.

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