Doja Cat Admits To Making Mediocre Music For Money – Black Enterprise
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Doja Cat Admits To Making Mediocre Music For Money

Doja cat, mediocre, music, money wealth

Grammy-nominated rapper Doja Cat took to Twitter to share her true feelings about her last two albums. The artist who has sold over 3 million records said her albums Hot Pink Planet released in 2019 and 2021 respectively were both “cash grabs” in her tweet. 

“And ya’ll fell for it,” the rapper chided. 

 The 27-year-old went on to imply that she’s going off the grid.  

 “Now i can go disappear somewhere and touch grass with my loved ones on an island while yall weep for mediocre pop.”

Doja Cat was featured on Hip Hop Kings Cash List in 2022. According to Vibe, the singer/ rapper earned $25 million in 2022.  The Los Angeles native was the only woman on the list.  The cash list credited her impressive earnings to “a thriving international presence and partnerships with brands from Pepsi to CandyCrush.”

In a series of tweets, the rapper hinted that we can expect some stylistic changes in her upcoming album that’s scheduled to be released sometime this year. 

The project previously had a working title of  “hEllMoUth,” but the rapper has decided to go in a different direction. 

“its not called hEllMoUth either its called “First of All” and yes I’m announcing the album title right now.”

When a twitter user predicted that her next album will flop because “her fans don’t like this type of sound from her. “The rapper replied with one word. 


Doja cat also expressed  her frustration with social media. 

“My comment section on IG used to be only positivity because I was doing what everyone wanted me to do and I love that I can see through all the bullsh-t now,” she tweeted. 

The multifaceted artist said that the shift occurred “after Coachella” when she got tired of doing things that she didn’t believe in. She went on to say that she hasn’t been able to tell her side of her story in her music.  

“I was cranking out digestible pop hits for children on Twitter to get into fights about.” 

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