Doctor Publishes Book to Empower Young Girls to Love Their Natural Hair – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Doctor Publishes Book to Empower Young Girls to Love Their Natural Hair

(Image: Dr. Phoenyx)
(Image: ThinkStock)

Needless to say, Love Your Hair was written in 1day, and then I took an extra couple days to edit the story, and once that was done I immediately got to work on illustration because I wanted to have the book out by Spring. Fast forward a short few months and I’m proud to say that I published Love Your Hair on April 17, 2015.

What are 3 key messages that you want readers to walk away with?
I want to help inspire women to live happier and healthier lives. Overall I want readers to understand:

  1. Fitness, beauty, health and happiness are all intimately intertwined and you really can’t have one without the others.
  2. You should always make your health a priority because when you learn to consistently eat right, exercise, and take better care of yourself— the end result is that you will feel and radiate natural beauty.
  3. Living a healthy life is fun and easy- it really is. And if you’re having trouble making it fun and easy, I’ll show you how to do that.

You’re a certified Sports Medicine Specialist and a Health Communications Specialist, with two published books. Can you walk us through a day in the life of Dr. Phoenyx?
A big part of educating others about healthy living involves being fit and healthy myself. That said, my usual day starts off at 4:00 am with about 10-15 minutes of meditation followed by my morning workout. After that I have breakfast and the rest of my day involves consulting, developing content (articles, videos, books, etc…) as well as overseeing aspects of my brand such as my Dr. Phoenyx FitBeauty products which specifically cater to women who want quality products that will meet their body and beauty needs all in one.

What are your top 3 accomplishments?

This is a little hard because I’m constantly setting goals for myself, but if I had to choose my top 3 accomplishments I would say 1. earning my doctorate degree (MD), 2. writing my first book, If You Love It, It Will Grow, and 3. becoming a bestselling self-published author less than 1 month after publishing my first book.

Follow Dr. Phoenyx on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
