DNC Displaces North Carolina’s Homeless From Motels – Black Enterprise
News Politics

DNC Displaces North Carolina’s Homeless From Motels

Courtesy of JackandJillpolitics.com

From the NY Daily News

The Democratic National Convention hosted in Charlotte, N.C. means an increase in revenue for a lot of businesses. But for the families living there it means an increase in prices.

Many of the the families on the verge of homelessness, due to the economy, have been staying in Extended Stay motels.

The motels are priced so that many who only have a part time job could afford the day to day prices charged, some as low as $49 a night. Since the DNC has been in town those motels have increased their prices to as much as $150 a night. This has forced many living in these hotels to find other places to stay.

Read more at the NY Daily News.
