Easy DIY Childproofing Tips to Save Money

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Preventable accidents are the number one cause of death among children, which is why Nationwide launched the Make Safe Happen campaign. Make Safe Happen increases awareness and provides tools to change home safety behavior.

[Related: {Infographic} Tips to Child Proof Your Home]

One way in which parents can better protect their children from preventable accidents is by installing child safety devices in the home. There are childproof experts who will scope your house and advise you of any potential hazards. They will then alter the danger zones to be more safe. While necessary to childproof your home, hiring an expert to do so isn’t free and may not be a viable option based on your finances.

In such an instance, there are DIY, or Do It Yourself, measures you can take to make your home child-safe. If you have small children, try the DIY childproofing tips below.

Bundle Cords

Strings that hang from your curtains, extension cords on the

floor and things of the like are very dangerous when in reach of children. Your child could potentially become entangled in loose cords and strangle. According to the National Safety Council, choking is the third leading cause of death among children. To prevent this from happening, save the twist ties from your bags of bread and fruit and use them to bundle together your loose cords. This way your babies can’t get entangled in them.

Safety Lock Cabinets and Drawers

We often store cleaning chemicals, beauty products and other toxic formulas in our cabinets and drawers. For the cabinets and drawers that are in baby reach, install safety locks so your little ones don’t make a go for things like bleach, detergent and hair creams. Safety locks are inexpensive and easy to install.
*Cabinet locks and straps, toysrus.com, $2.99 and up

Move Low Shelves and Tables

If your low shelves and tables hold heavy objects like glass vases or encyclopedias, move the objects or the tables to a room with a lock. Shelves and tables also have sharp corners that could harm your child, especially in sensitive areas like the eyes. To soften the corners, cover them with painters’ tape. This will make the corners dull, and it won’t ruin your paint or wood finishing.
*Scotch Safe Release Painters’ Masking Tape, staples.com

, $6.54

Have you ever tried any other childproofing measures? Share them with us below!


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