Disabled Black Teen With No Use of His Arms Uses His Mouth to Draw

(Black news)

Lucas Mapheto, a disabled teenage boy from South Africa, is gaining global attention for his extraordinary talent of being able to draw amazing portraits using only his mouth.

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Lucas, who is 17 years old, was born with a disability that immobilized his hands and feet. For most of his life, he has been in a wheelchair. His parents are also unable to send him to school because of their financial struggles.

However, Lucas says that art for him is his escape from depression.

“Art is the only thing that helps me keep

my mind clear so I don’t overthink about my situation,” Lucas told Briefly.

Because he cannot use his hands, he uses his mouth to create beautiful works of art with a pencil. He has already drawn dozens of portraits which impressed a lot of people. His Facebook post

 sharing his story has so far garnered 1.5 million reactions.

This story first appeared on Blacknews.com.

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