TechConneXt Backstage: Intel Ai 5G – Black Enterprise
Lifestyle Technology

TechConneXt Backstage: Intel Ai 5G


This year at TechConneXt, I was not only blessed to be asked to be a committee member and industry mentor of the BE Smart Hackathon, but I was able to finally get the chance to work with my #techie buddies from Intel, Michael Greene, vice president, software and service group and general manager, system technologies and optimization, and Damola ‘D’ Omotosho, software systems automation engineer customer Q&R.

We had a chance to talk about artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and so much more!  Truly, it was a great time; we collectively had “geeking-out” on new things on the horizon. I was also able to get a few things on the record for you to learn more about Intel, as they are not just in the business of developing and distributing processors for devices, they are so much more.

One of key points–which was my “ah ha” moment–was when Michael shared that one of the primary goals at Intel is to increase the data transfer bandwidth of an end-user, to compute through software from a mobile device to the cloud at an even faster rate than current speeds today.

Check the video and how Michael Greene and I both agree on “no dumb autonomous cars” for us.


#Techie Facts


I know during the video, Michael and I used an abundance of #techie acronyms and industry slang.  Below are a few of the of terms 🙂

  1. 5G: The abbreviation for fifth generation mobile networks, or fifth generation wireless systems. 5G is the proposed next telecommunications standards beyond the current 4G/IMT-advanced standards. Rather than faster peak Internet connection speeds, 5G planning aims at higher capacity than current 4G, allowing higher number of mobile broadband users per area unit, and allowing consumption of higher or unlimited data quantities in gigabyte per month and user. This would make it feasible for a large portion of the population to stream high-definition media many hours per day with their mobile devices, when out of reach of WiFi hotspots. 5G research and development also aims at improved support of machine to machine communication, also known as the Internet of things, aiming at lower cost, lower battery consumption, and lower latency than 4G equipment.
  2. Edge Device: An edge device is a device which provides an entry point into enterprise or service provider core networks. Examples include routers, routing switches, integrated access devices (IADs), multiplexers, and a variety of metropolitan area network (MAN) and wide area network (WAN) access devices. Edge devices also provide connections into carrier and service provider networks.

Next up, Renee Forney, deputy CIO for cybersecurity at U.S. Department of Energy.
