Developing a Social Media Hiring Strategy – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Developing a Social Media Hiring Strategy

With your social networking presence established and linked into your main Website, it’s time to start looking for good candidates. Start by posting snippets about the opening on the social networking sites, by providing a link to “more information” for interested parties. And just like you would with a more “general” social networking strategy, you’ll want to associate your online presence with multiple followers or friends.

Prompt these associates to redistribute your job openings to their own networks, Smith says, and you’ll be using a viral recruiting approach that’s sure to result in positive responses from potential recruits. You can beef up those results by posting blogs on a regular basis, says Smith, and by using the social networking site’s search function (to seek out topics of interest that might tie into your industry, company and/or job opening, for example).

Smith, who has helped numerous firms leverage social media as a business tool, says patience is the final piece of the puzzle. “This isn’t about achieving instantaneous responses and returns,” says Smith. “It’s about developing a long-term social media strategy that produces results.”

Social Media Hiring Tips

— Do use blogs and other interactive methods of engaging recruits.

— Don’t assume that you’re going to get results overnight.

— Do incorporate email, mail and phone calls into your social media strategy.

— Don’t forget to link your social networking presence to your company’s Website.

— Do include one or more “niche” social networking sites in your hiring strategy


Hire Smarter with Social Media
