The Cutting Edge: Money Books for Young Adults – Black Enterprise
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The Cutting Edge: Money Books for Young Adults

The hardest part about being young and figuring out your finances is finding the right resources. My interest in saving money began in elementary school when I started collecting and cashing in pennies. But figuring out how to go from counting pennies to stacking dollars eluded me, especially without the proper financial guidance.

The problem with most personal finance books is they’re either littered with jargon or they’re written for people with mortgages, salaried jobs, or some sort of established financial plan, even if it is in shambles. Unfortunately, this leaves a void for teens and 20-somethings.

Here are a few reads that helped me start to understand how money works in the simplest terms. Enjoy!

0422_blocuttingedgeormanThe Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, & Broke by Suzy Orman: This read came in handy when I was shopping around for my first credit card in college. Learning the difference between average daily balance and two-cycle average daily balance can save you quite a bit of money and help you decide what credit card is a best for you. Orman also covers car shopping, student loans, and career tips regarding salary and office workload.

Orman delivers her usual brand of boldness to young people in this book with her straight-talking money advice. And here’s the best part: The book is set up like a reference guide, meaning you don’t have to read it cover to cover (although it is highly recommended.) Each chapter is broken down by topic and later by subtopic, with corresponding page numbers.
