BE Modern Man: Meet ‘Mr. Custom Cleats’ Eric L. Dorsey II – Black Enterprise

BE Modern Man: Meet ‘Mr. Custom Cleats’ Eric L. Dorsey II

BEMM Eric L. Dorsey designs custom cleats
Eric L. Dorsey, Owner of illustrative Cre8ions Custom Cleats and Sneakers

Name: Eric L. Dorsey II

Age: 36

Profession: Owner of illustrative Cre8ions Custom Cleats and Sneakers

One word that describes you: Boundless

Social Media: Instagram: @illustrative_cre8ions | Twitter: @258Cre8ions 


What is your “Extraordinary Impact?” 

With all due respect to those in my profession, it is heavily populated with Caucasian and Hispanic artists. Being a black man in the forefront of the culture and knowing there are other young brothers and sisters who look up to me and want to do exactly what I do makes it all worth it. I know that they are cheering for me to do great things and I intend to always set the tone, be the standard, and look to change the culture in a positive way.

What does being one of the BEMM 100 Men of Distinction mean to you?

It was an honor. I have worked hard at my craft but this is something I did not see coming. With that being said, I am humbled and extremely thankful.

What are some examples of how you turned struggle into success?

The struggle for me was to decide if I had what it took to take on a new career path. I always strive for greatness, and custom cleats and sneakers was a whole new avenue for me. I took on this career path with no experience at all but knowing that I was creating a new lane made it worth the struggle.

What is an important quality you look for in your relationships with others? 

Honesty and direction. I like to work with those who are honest about the direction in which they intend on going with their business. In doing so, it allows me the opportunity to make the right choice for my brand.

What are some immediate projects you are working on?

I am constantly working with athletes of all levels (youth to professional), always using my creative mind to change the game and push the limits of what we know in the culture. I am currently working on projects for the NFL initiative My Cleats, My Cause. I have three charities I am working closely with as well as a few collaborations with some very talented artists. We are also in conversations with several networks about a reality show (a day in the life of a creator).

What is the best advice you ever received?

Business first, always stay focused on your goals, and remember that all business is not good business. Keep your brand first.

What is some advice you have for other men who want to make a difference?

Remember what power you possess as a black male. You have a gift that only you can channel for the greater good. And always remember that there will always be someone watching you. The impact you have on their live can be such a factor in what they do moving forward.

How do you prep for an important business meeting and/or event?

Stay ready. You never know when the opportunity to present may occur. As someone who makes custom cleats, I would say “Always keep your cleats laced, because you never know when it’s your time to enter the game.”

As a busy Modern Man, how do you unwind on vacation?

My best vacation was actually a staycation. I went to a local hotel, relaxed, and just turned my phone off for the weekend. It was amazing, I was able to charge my batteries and feed my soul.

If you could travel and stay anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? 

Asia, but more specifically Japan. I am a huge fan of all things from the Orient—their technology, fast pace, culture, and more. That would be a fun trip for me; I would want at least a few months over there to truly enjoy myself.

Anything else you’d like to say?

As a black male who has stepped into a billion-dollar industry fresh off the street with no experience, I make sure to take nothing for granted. I want to continue to lead, make my family and friends proud, and continue to grow within the sports and apparel industry.


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