Curated x Kai Brings Black People Cultured Experiences – Black Enterprise

Curated x Kai Brings Black People Cultured Experiences

CuratedxKai Launch Party (Image: Kai Frazier)
CuratedxKai Launch Party (Image: Kai Frazier)

It is often difficult to locate events that don’t consist of the run-of-the mill club parties. Recently, Kai Frazier launched Curated x Kai, a digital platform designed to curate numerous events for users looking for a cultured experience.

Frazier recently launched an event that took place at the ARTECHOUSE, in Washington, D.C., giving a little insight into what these events could look like. Black Enterprise caught up with Frazier and here is what she had to say about the platform and experience. 

CuratedxKai Launch Party (Image: Kai Frazier)
Curated x Kai Launch Party (Image: Kai Frazier)


What is the purpose of launching this platform?

If someone does not know an opportunity, profession, or experience exists, how can they aspire to it?

As an educator and museum professional, it is extremely frustrating to experience the multiple barriers to entry for people of color in cultural institutions. Once inside, one quickly realizes there is little content reflective of our diverse worlds. It’s almost as if people of color have been erased from the history and culture presented.

Curated x Kai is a digital platform designed to curate the numerous cultural experiences that make diversity and inclusive outreach a priority, not an afterthought. As technology shatters barriers and increases exposure, a large part of my company will be geared toward prototyping mobile, virtual, and augmented reality solutions to increase accessibility for people who may never have the opportunity to visit.


What do you expect to gain from it?

In addition to curating events, I want to utilize technology (mobile, VR, and AR) to create inclusive experiences for people of color who may never have had the opportunity to visit a museum. Additionally, I want to make museum audiences look more representative of the world around us.


What was your reaction from the event?

Absolutely blessed. I launched #Curated x Kai at @ARTECHOUSE and as I looked into the crowd, I saw a diverse sea of approximately 100 people of color and friends, all enjoying the exhibition space. So my crazy hypothesis was right. When you decrease barriers to entry, increase diverse outreach, and make people of color feel welcomed and appreciated, they are thrilled to come out. They want to come out, and they can’t wait to come back. Thank you to everyone who attended and for your unwavering support.


Where do you see the platform going in the next three years?

Digitally, in the next three years, I hope to offer a subscription-based application for schools and students so they may explore new museums and other curated spaces. The application will be free for students.

Physically, I hope to host events across the country to limit barriers to entry and create welcoming spaces for people of color who’ve never visited and want to visit but don’t know where to start.

