Create Your Own Curriculum: 4 Free Courses for the Creative – Black Enterprise

Create Your Own Curriculum: 4 Free Courses for the Creative

(Image: Habur)

Fall brings about the heightened awareness of starting over or even starting something new. Otherwise known as the back-to-school season, fall is the perfect time to take a glimpse of your progress for the year. Are you accomplishing the goals you set in January? Are you where you had hoped to be?

With a host of websites offering free classes from instructors all over the world, we have a chance to clinch a few new skills before 2017 hits. Here are a few classes that can help the aspiring creative or the veteran revisit some basics:

1. Creativity, Innovation, and Change, Coursera


“Creativity, innovation, and change require a unique mindset and collection of mental tools.”

Created by The Pennsylvania State University, this course challenges students to expand their thinking in creating solutions for change. Taught by a host of teachers across engineering and design, the course requires a commitment of three to five hours per week.

2. Digital Storytelling: Filmmaking for the Web, Future Learn


The University of Birmingham, the BBC Academy, and Creative Skillset have combined forces to create this free, four-week course.

With a goal to help students develop short films for digital platforms, the course covers all aspects of production, from research to the final edit. It also examines filmmaking theory and practice, and how they connect to create meaningful stories. The instructors address other issues including critical thinking, story structure, style, genre, ethics, legalities, practical techniques for camera, and sound and lighting.

3. Graphic Design 101, Udemy


Have a little bit of experience with design tools, but lack the right skills? This course targets students who have an interest in deepening their knowledge of graphic design. The instructor aims to show how good design is often concept-driven, and why specific design media needs to communicate in a timely fashion. The highly rated course is considered great for those considering a career in design, or for those looking to gain skills for a side hustle.

4. Start Writing Fiction, Future Learn


This course focuses on creating characters, an important skill in storytelling. Established writers discuss how they started writing and the importance of rituals like maintaining a journal. Additionally, students will learn how to develop ideas, different approaches to research, and different methods for how to turn events into a plot. Bonus? Students can review and comment on the work of other writers and receive feedback on their own stories.

We’re not stopping with the creatives. Up next? Some insightful info classes that aspiring entrepreneurs can use to create their own curriculum.
