How I Became a ‘Couponer’

Black Enterprise got some juicy savings tips from Kasey Trenum, Savings.com DealPro and co-founder of Time2SaveWorkshops.com.

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Black Enterprise: How did you become a couponer?

Kasey Trenum: Like most, I had tried and failed many times before. However, after the economy took a downturn and my husband was laid off unexpectedly, I had to find a way to help my family. After cutting out vacations, gymnastics, and other extra activities I realized quickly that I had to find a way to save that would significantly impact our finances. I started couponing completely by accident. It didn’t take long before I started saving my family a considerable amount of money each week.

B.E.: Could you share three of your best savings tips?


  1. Start small: pick one store a week.
  2. Learn
    to shop by what you use and not by what you need. Meaning, when you see a good deal on an item your family uses go ahead and purchase it when it’s on sale instead of waiting until you run out to save money.
  3. Couponing doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Do the best you can at whatever season of life you are in. Whether you save 5%, 20%, or 40%, you’re still saving money.

B.E.: What inspired you to start Time 2 Save?

Trenum: As I began to save money people would follow me to my car at the grocery store to ask me what I just did. I was then asked to help teach a mom’s group at a local church. I expected 25 people to show up, but was shocked when over 225 attended the class. After that, I realized there was a real need in my community to help others save.

B.E.: What advice would you give to our readers on how to save more money?

Trenum: Always stop before you shop. My website and Savings.com are great resources to help you save money. That extra second it takes to peruse deals is well worth the discount.

B.E.: How can shoppers find out more about couponing?


There are a ton of great online and print resources you can use to find out more about couponing. My blog is a great place to start. I also wrote a book entitled Couponing for the Rest of Us: The Not-So-Extreme (Revell; $11.69), which is great for beginning couponers. You can also visit http://www.Savings.com/dealpros to find a couponing expert in your area.

Stay tuned for the third and final installment of this series for tips from coupon expert Sami Cone.


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