Cory Booker Announces He’s Exploring 2014 Senate Bid in YouTube Video

(Image: File)

Mayor Cory Booker of Newark continues to keep his name in the news and his city in the spotlight. Earlier this month, the mayor pledged to live on food stamps for a week to step into the shoes of many Newark residents. The northern New Jersey native announced on YouTube yesterday that he would complete his second term as mayor and will consider running for United States Senate in 2014.

Booker has already encouraged businesses, including Audible

and Panasonic, to come to Newark; affordable housing has doubled, crime is down and the city’s population is on the rise. In 2012, the state’s largest city garnered Mark Zuckerberg
‘s attention. The Internet entrepreneur pledged $100 million to Startup: Education to improve Newark schools.

The popular politician has been able to attract attention through his social media accounts, which he has over 1.3 million Twitter followers and 124k likes on Facebook. Booker makes himself accessible to citizens through his social media networks and his site

. He spread the news about his Senate bid on Thursday via the video-sharing website.

If elected, Booker will take over for Frank Lautenberg who plans to retire in 2014.

Watch the shareable video below:

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