Cool Jobs: Quinta B Talks Comedy Influences and Digital Impact – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Cool Jobs: Quinta B Talks Comedy Influences and Digital Impact

Image: Instagram
Image: Instagram

You, King Bach, DeStorm, AlphaCat and a host of other talented humorists represent the new comedy rock stars. What do you see as the future for yourself and your comedy?

I see my comedy constantly evolving. I care very much about making people think, making them happy and bringing them together. I’m going to use my comedy to make people love each other and enjoy themselves.

You recently admitted that you’re into Andy Kaufman. What were some moments from his life that you feel will help you navigate the entertainment industry?

He was difficult to work with, but he stuck to his guns. A specific moment was him opting to put a static screen on his show during Andy’s Funhouse, which was a variety show he had on ABC. He thought it would be funny and experimental. I know that he sometimes took it too far, but I appreciated his creativity. That’s important to have in this industry.

How did you react originally when Saturday Night Live was experiencing its issue with diversity? Can you also share your thoughts about the lack of black female comedy stars and projects?

You know, I don’t think the problem was as bad as it had been portrayed. People forget that SNL presented one of the very first Black female sketch stars—Danitra Vance. Saturday Night Live seems like the kind of show that if you deserve to be there, you’ll get there and if you deserve to stay, you’ll stay. I’m not sure that the shotgun manhunt was the best way to go about hiring any new person this past season. I know a ton of funny Black female comedians creating their own work. People will see their work soon, and in my case, you’re seeing it now.

In fifteen seconds, you’re able to be funnier than people in their fifth season. What advice can you offer those who are looking to set themselves apart in the entertainment industry? Can you also talk about any words of wisdom you’ve received in your journey to become a comedic force?

I admire those people in their fifth seasons. I have no writers behind me, so right now I have a lot of freedom. It makes it easy to look good… or bad. I would say create your own work to those interested in getting in the industry. The game has definitely changed. People can use the Internet to get your work out there to the masses. The most important words of wisdom that I have received have been to be myself and tell the truth.

Read on the next page, Quinta’s thoughts on the role television plays in creating stars…
