Cool Jobs: Google Exec Forging Bankable Web Relationships – Black Enterprise

Cool Jobs: Google Exec Forging Bankable Web Relationships

Malik Ducard, Director of Content Partnerships, Google

We have good news for you. You can have a cool career and make a good living. No need to choose between loving your job and paying your mortgage. The following profile, part of the Cool Jobs series, offers a peek into the nuts and bolts, perks and salaries behind enjoyable careers.

The It Factor: As the director of content partnerships for Google, Malik Ducard plays a key role in identifying creative relationships for the brand. Highly lauded for his success at expanding the distribution footprint for a number of entertainment studios, Ducard is leveraging that experience as he works with a range of content partners, from established studios to next-gen production companies who are creating content exclusively for the Web. “The Web has quickly become the primary way in which entertainment content is distributed,” Ducard says. “My job is to help satisfy the needs and interests of our user by providing them with content that speaks to their lifestyles.”

Maximizing Market Boom: With the emergence of online platforms, opportunities have opened up for entrepreneurs to engage with potential consumers on a global scale. “At YouTube our product allows our users to truly connect with a worldwide audience,” Ducard shares. “This means that someone in the United States can upload content and have it seen by someone in Nigeria or Korea instantly. Every minute we have 72 minutes of content loaded onto our site, which from a business standpoint creates an opportunity for huge consumption engagement.”

Meshing Professional Passions: Ducard says he’s passionate about his chosen career and the opportunities the Web offers. “I genuinely feel like I am doing exactly what I should be in my professional life,” he adds. “I’ve always been passionate about storytelling and growing up my classmates would sit around and listen to me telling stories. I’ve also always had a passion for technology, which my mom encouraged by buying me a computer years before they became standard household items.

Winning Advice: He urges young professionals to follow their passion for achieving what they want. “It’s equally important that parents recognize and support the natural interests and curiosities exhibited by their children at young age,” he says. “As for opportunities with the Web, now is really the time to get involved. For content creators the barriers are real low to creating projects—from the cost of production to distribution. I would encourage new media entrepreneurs to take advantage of this window by creating product and gathering an audience to support your work.”
