Cool Jobs: Doctor Puts Patient and Consumer Advocacy First

Dr. Felicia Wade, author, healthcare provider and patient advocate (Image: Wade)

We have good news for you. You can have a cool career and make a good living. No need to choose between loving your job and paying your mortgage. The following profile, part of the BlackEnterprise.com Cool Jobs series, offers a peek into the nuts and bolts, perks and salaries behind enjoyable careers.

The It Factor: As the regional medical director for a leading U.S. healthcare provider, Dr. Felicia Wade is responsible for critical decisions that influence the quality of people’s lives. A graduate of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, Dr. Wade earned her medical degree from Georgetown University before moving to Atlanta, where she specialized in emergency medicine. The author of the bestselling book, The Heart of The Matter, (iUniverse Inc.; $9.95), is quickly becoming a national medical expert on outlets including CNN and BlackDoctor.org.

The Process: Dr. Wade’s daily regime includes nonstop engagement with medical teams within her region to ensure appropriate and effective medical management. Her due-diligence and results oriented management style has earned her the kudos of her medical peers throughout the healthcare community. “My goal is to make sure that

our clients receive the right care at the right time in the most appropriate setting,” she says. “I strive to deliver ‘good medicine,’ for our clients, which means that I review each and every case on my desk to ensure the best possible results.”

The Commitment: “I always recommend the importance of having eye-to-eye conversations with your health care providers,” Wade says.  She urges the importance of the patient understanding their healthcare options and the best medicine for their diagnosis. “People want to have confidence in the care and information they receive about their health,” she adds.

Affordable Advocacy: “The

Affordable Health Care Act doesn’t just focus on insurance. It also reforms the parts of the healthcare system that aren’t working or are costing the tax payer money,” Wade says. “For example, by focusing on preventive measures instead of just treatment, it will save tens of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives. Part of good medicine is making it affordable.” She adds that the Affordable Care act provides opportunities to help people. “This is what medicine is supposed to be about– helping people,” she says.

Winning Advice: Wade believes that everyone should pursue their passions, which is something that she feels blessed to have accomplished in her career. “I’ve been fortunate to build a career that has allowed me to marry my passion to empower people through educating them about their health,” she says. “The reward of my job is in being able to help people get quality health care in their communities. I feel that providing people with a knowledge base for making informed decisions about their health choice and options improves quality of life for us all. I’m glad to play an active role in disseminating that information.”


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