COOL JOBS: Bed-Vyne Wine Founders Talk Nelson Mandela, Tasting Tips And Branding

Brooklyn, New York City is an ever-changing hub of possibilities. The borough, most famous for birthing greats such as Michael Jordan, the Three Stooges and Christopher Wallace, has another entry to be extremely proud of: Bed-Vyne Wine.

Founded by Rotimi Akinnuoye, Michael Brooks, Peter Medford and Ayo Akinnuoye, this Bedford-Stuyvesant located winery was developed with the community at large in mind. There’s no secret that the former home of Biggie and Jay Z is undergoing a revitalization of sorts. New neighbors are returning back to the hood, generations removed from white flight, and are now frequenting local haunts and diversifying the block. For the founding collective of Bed-Vyne Wine, this is not paramount to the company’s grand desig—ensuring optimum customer service is.

The Tompkins and Putnam Avenue located boutique wine shop is an institution of satisfying tastes and ambiance. Patrons come from all over the borough (and the globe) to whet their palette with wines that are made from grapes harvested based on phases of the moon. In addition to that, the rustic decor boasts reclaimed wood and intriguing lighting to set the mood or get the party started. With years of success and acclaim under their belt, the Bed-Vyne Wine group has opened two other offerings for drinking enthusiasts in the form of Bed-Vyne Brew and Bed-Vyne Cocktail.

Set at the heart of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, Bed-Vyne Wine is the premiere destination for your winery needs. In our exclusive chat with the gentlemen behind the establishment, they share with Black Enterprise inside information pertaining to their world domination goals, recall a pivotal moment in history with Nelson Mandela’s daughter and granddaughter, and offer wine tasting advice to any novice interested in getting their sip on. Enjoy!

Black Enterprise: In constructing the concept of Bed-Vyne Wine Store — how did you and your team come to terms with building the business? What ways did you want the place to be different than other wineries in the area?

Bed-Vyne Wine: We were very sure that we wanted to create an atmosphere that prioritizes the customer experience. The space needed to be warm and inviting to allow for engaging conversations about wine. We didn’t have much to work with square-footage wise, so we made certain that every inch of the space was used efficiently. Michael Brooks, one of the company’s partners, developed an idea of arranging the wines by taste category. This took care of the conversation piece. Using reclaimed wood and intricate lighting took care of the “warm and inviting” vibes. All of these things served to differentiate us from all too common–within the black community–”bullet proof” liquor store motif.

Black Enterprise: Speaking of the area, for those reading this outside of the New York area, Brooklyn is undergoing rapid gentrification and rent hikes. Has this been helpful or hurtful to your business? Should a black-owned business be concerned with such changes? Or is it more important to be focused on the bottom line?

Bed-Vyne Wine: Every business must, absolutely must, focus on the bottom line. It is necessary for survival. You can’t do good without doing well. But, in order to do well, a business needs to serve every member of the community with equal zeal. We are excited to have new people moving into the community and, at the same time, we are equally excited that we have been able to create two businesses that provide people with what they’ve been asking for and very much deserve. Ultimately, business survives on customer service, and most customers want the same thing. Whether the neighborhood is gentrified or not, customer service is paramount. That’s what we at Bed-Vyne Wine strive for and focus on each and every single day.

Black Enterprise: As Bed-Vyne continues to expand into a larger entity — what is the team’s overall goal? Where does Bed-Vyne Wine end up going in five-to-ten years?

Bed-Vyne Wine: [Laughs] World domination! We plan to continue to build and expand the Bed-Vyne Wine brand. We want all people to recognize us as an intensely focused group, committed to creating wonderful customer experiences and products. As part of the goal, we are weeks away from opening our third business venture, Bed-Vyne Cocktail. This new endeavor will bring customer experience to a level rarely seen.

Black Enterprise: With an eclectic selection of wines at a respectable price, Bed-Vyne also offers wine tasting. How else does the company and team hope to impact the local community?

Bed-Vyne Wine: Since the conception of the business, our involvement within the community has been extremely important. It is one of our core values. From participating in neighborhood block associations to being members of the Bedford Avenue YMCA Strong Kids campaign to opening our space for small art galleries to collaborating with non-profit organization to serve the community’s homeless, we’ve given back to the community in varying ways. We hope to continue to contribute at greater levels every year.

Black Enterprise: From grapes harvested based on the phases of the moon to podcasts from local musicians — what were some of the most surprising developments you and the team witnessed while building the brand?

Bed-Vyne Wine: We’ve been honestly blessed to have worked and collaborated with winemakers from all over the world. They come into our little wine shop on the avenue to talk about their wine. The most exciting event was when the Mandela family came all the way from Johannesburg, South Africa to Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn to launch their House of Mandela brand with us. Makaziwe and Tukwini Mandela, Nelson’s daughter and granddaughter, spent an entire evening with us. They met folks from the neighborhood, signed bottles of their wine, and enjoyed the atmosphere at Bed-Vyne Brew.

Selena Cuffe, CEO of Heritage Link Brands, joined them during their trip. She distributes wines exclusively from South Africa, which includes the House of Mandela brand.

On the next page, the Bed-Vyne Wine guys talk about facing obstacles and impacting the community…

Black Enterprise: The beer shop, Bed-Stuy Brew, has also earned rave reviews and is a central hub to the new Tompkins Avenue developing in Brooklyn. As one of the local cool spots to be – what are the team’s thoughts about the growing business area there? Also, can you and the team speak about any obstacles you faced while building the business?

Bed-Vyne Wine:

We are incredibly excited about the growth of that brand. It is painfully overdue for Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn. There are other businesses developing in that area, such as Sincerely Tommy, which is a clothing store, and a restaurant called Eugene & Co.. Those spots have recently opened and joined us right on Tompkins Avenue. We’ve faced tons of obstacles that most new businesses face. From meeting company payroll to covering one’s expenses to just getting the word out about your business, we have gone through the gamut and continue to exceed all expectations.

Black Enterprise: Overall, what do you think Bed-Vyne’s impact is within the Brooklyn community? Also, speak on the growing trend of developing business for the non-black consumer? Will that make a dent in what other black entrepreneurs hope to be able to create within the area?

Bed-Vyne Wine: Our impact within the community goes above and beyond just having great sales. We are very dedicated to the community. Being part of the creation of positive change within the neighborhood is important to us as individuals and as a company. Like we mentioned before, all consumers want to be respected and appreciated, so our philosophy is that we respect all who do business with us and provide all with the best experience we possibly can.

Black Enterprise: Speaking of black entrepreneurs — are there any differences in how black businessmen can create a brick-and-mortar establishment in New York City than other races?

Bed-Vyne Wine: Honestly, we do not believe that there’s any difference when it comes to race and building a brick-and-mortar establishment. The rules to the game are the same for everyone. Our suggestion is that any entrepreneur going down this path should be absolutely be prepared to answer any government agency questions. Be extra, extra prepared. Even if that means that you believe that question won’t be asked, you should be prepared for it anyway. It is incredibly important to make sure that all your T’s are crossed and all your I’s are dotted.

Black Enterprise: For those who aren’t well versed in wine or have never experienced a wine tasting — what is some advice that you and the team can offer when it comes to selecting a wine for the upcoming holiday season?

Bed-Vyne Wine: It’s very important to make sure you buy and drink what you like. There are concrete rules in wine and established protocols, but we think that it is key, first and foremost, that you pick what you enjoy. Ask questions of your wine shop to help select the best wine for the occasion. Don’t be intimidated. There’s no such thing as a bad question when it comes to wine. Bed-Vyne Wine is designed to educate each and every customer about what is the most dynamic wine for their palate.

We organize wine by taste which eliminates the guess work about picking a wine. This also allows you to experience wines from various regions within your preferred taste category. If you like big and bold wines, then we’d suggest something like a Super Tuscan from Italy. If you like buttery whites, then we’d recommend a Napa Valley chardonnay. Of course, if your palette just likes something sweet, then we’d propose picking a moscato or a Riesling.

Black Enterprise: Last question: With the amount of success that Bed-Vyne has had over the past few years – what keeps you and the team going through it all?

Bed-Vyne Wine: Our company and the businessmen involved are all blessed to still be here and be able to serve this wonderful community. We love it so much. It is what keeps us going! Knowing that we provide a service to Brooklyn, to the people on Tompkins, and the surrounding areas is an electric feeling. The service that we provide to our customers is needed and appreciated by them. There’s nothing better than having our customers tell us that they love Bed-Vyne Wine and that they are proud of us as an institution. It is very gratifying every single time we hear that!

Be sure to follow the latest and greatest of the boutique wine shop (and us!) on Twitter @BedVyneWine and @BedVyneBrew!

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