Consumer Tip: How to Handle Medical Identity Theft

Medical identity theft often occurs when someone steals your health insurance card or some other personal information, and then receives medical care under your identity.

There are a few things you can do to reduce your chances of becoming a victim:

  • Guard your health insurance card number. Make sure to report the loss or theft of your card right away so that you can obtain a new number.
  • Keep an eye on insurance claims. Read each Explanation of Benefits statement. If you see a service that you did not receive, report it to your insurer.
  • Review your medical records. Have each healthcare provider send you a copy of your records and check it closely for any discrepancies.

If you’ve been victimized by a medical identity thief, file a claim with the Federal Trade Commission (www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov). Also file a police report. Furthermore, get in touch with the medical office where your identity was stolen so that your files can be updated.

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