Congressional Black Caucus to Pres. Obama: “Where Are the Black Nominees?” – Black Enterprise
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Congressional Black Caucus to Pres. Obama: “Where Are the Black Nominees?”

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Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Rep. Marcia L. Fudge of Ohio has spoken out about the lack of black faces among President Obama’s new cabinet picks, Politico reports.

Fudge wrote a grievance letter to Obama yesterday after it was rumored that the president is considering Thomas Perez for Labor Secretary and Penny Pritzker for Commerce Secretary. Of President Obama’s nine new Cabinet appointments so far he’s included one Latino. Earlier this year, Rep. Charlie Rangel of New York called Obama’s cabinet picks “embarrassing” for its lack of diversity.

Fudge’s letter read in part:

“I am concerned that you have moved forward with new cabinet appointments and yet, to date, none of them have been African American….Congressional Black Caucus offices have had numerous phone calls from constituents questioning why none of the new appointees will be able to speak to the unique needs of African Americans. Their ire is compounded by the overwhelming support you’ve received from the African American community.”

“As you continue choosing your critical advisers, we want to stress the importance of ensuring every community has a seat at the table,” she wrote. “The absence of diverse voices leads to policies and programs that adversely impact African Americans. Over the past four years, the CBC has recommended a number of qualified candidates. I am disappointed none have received the consideration they deserve.”

There was some talk that Ursula Burns or Ken Chennault would be nominated for either Labor or Commerce Secretary but that hasn’t materialized. And it’s possible that Susan Rice may be appointed National Security Adviser, though that is a second-tier cabinet position.
