College Scholarships for Students in High School, Middle School and Kindergarten (Yes, Kindergarten!) – Page 3 – Black Enterprise

College Scholarships for Students in High School, Middle School and Kindergarten (Yes, Kindergarten!)

Image: Thinkstock
(Image: Thinkstock)

Name: Federal Junior Duck Stamp Art Competition

Sponsor: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior

Amount: $2,000 to $5,000

Eligibility: Students in grades K-12; U.S. Citizens and resident aliens

Deadline: March 15

Requirement: Students must submit a painting, drawing or sketch of any North American waterfowl species. Each state or district has its own competition and “Best of Show” winners advance to the national competition. One of the 53 Best of Show images will be selected as the next Junior Duck Stamp.


Name: Toshiba/NTSA ExploraVision Science Competition

Sponsor: Toshiba and the National Science Teachers Association

Amount: $5,000 to $10,000 savings bond (There are four divisions: grade K-3; grades 4-6; grades 7-9; and grades 10-12; within each divisions there is one first place price, $10,000; and one second place prize, $5,000)

Eligibility: Students in grades K-12; U.S. and Canadians residents

Deadline: January 29

Requirement: Students must create a project (in written and visual form) that showcases their vision of what technology will be like 20 years into the future.


Name: Young Naturalist Awards

Sponsor: American Museum of Natural History

Amount: $500 to $2,500 (2 awards for each grade level)

Eligibility: Students in grades 7-12; U.S. and Canadian residents

Deadline: January 3

Info: Students must enter a research-based science essay contest.


This brief sampling of scholarships, of course, is but a drop in the bucket. There are literally tens of thousands of scholarship opportunities that abound for students of all types, ages, skills, interests and abilities.

Don’t think scholarships only go to poor students, minorities, high school kids with “A” grades or the children of alumni. If you are willing to put in the work, I can guarantee you that there are scholarships out there that are tailor made just for you or your child.

Good luck in your scholarship hunt!

“Ask The Money Coach” is a syndicated column written by personal finance expert Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, co-founder of the free financial advice blog, Follow Lynnette on Twitter at @themoneycoach.
