Civil Rights Group Starts Petition to Get Sony Executive Fired

(Image: White House/Pete Souza)

Following the backlash from leaked email exchanges about President Obama between Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal and producer Scott Rudin, an online petition has surfaced to get Pascal fired.

Started by the civil rights group, ColorOfChange.org, the petition is asking for Pascal to be removed from her executive position as a result of her inappropriate jokes about the president’s interest in black only films.

Before attending a November 2013 Obama fundraising breakfast, Pascal asked Rudin for advice in regards to what she should ask the president.


he like to finance some movies,” Rudin wrote. In which Pascal responded saying, “I doubt it. Should I ask him if he liked Django?” Rudin responded with “12 Years,” in reference to the award-winning Steve McQueen film 12 Years a Slave. Pascal then responded with a list of other black films, saying “Or the Butler? Or Think Like a Man?”

RELATED: Sony Pictures Involved in Leaked Email Scandal

The series of leaked emails also revealed comments from Sony executive Clint Culpepper, who called Kevin Hart a whore for wanting additional money to tweet support of his own movie.

While there’s no word on what actions, if any, Sony will take against Pascal and Rudin, the ColorOfChange.org petition is hoping that a strong online backing will lead to a necessary punishment.

“Pascal’s comments are confirmation of the manipulative, exploitative

relationship corporations like Sony have with black folks,” the petition reads. “Our genius, our culture, and our $1.1 trillion in buying power are not given the respect they deserve, regardless of the massive sums they result in for massive people like Amy Pascal.”

To read more from the petition head to Act.ColorOfChange.org.

SOURCE: The Hollywood Reporter


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