Ciara and Russell Wilson Surprise Students With $35,000 Goalsetter Savings Accounts and Investing Tips – Black Enterprise

Ciara and Russell Wilson Surprise Students With $35,000 Goalsetter Savings Accounts and Investing Tips

Ciara and Russell Wilson
(Image Credit: Instagram/ dangerusswilson)

Power couple Ciara and Russell Wilson surprised students at Denny International Middle School with a donation of more than $35,000 to help them start a savings account. The couple also delivered a financial literacy presentation to teach kids valuable lessons that can lead to a successful financial future.

“Financial literacy and building wealth is so important,” Wilson told the students. “Ciara and I really wanted to talk to you all because we didn’t come from much and we had big visions, we had big goals, big dreams.”

GoalSetter Savings Initiative

According to The Seattle Times, the virtual financial literacy presentation was part of a partnership with the NFL Players Association, Goalsetter, and Russell Wilson’s Why Not You Foundation. Approximately 900 students were present for the crash course in money and finances.

Goalsetter CEO Tanya Van Court kicked off the event with a lesson in language. She started her presentation by speaking in Spanish to show how language barriers can prevent individuals from achieving success. But the language that she was focused on during this presentation was the language of money. Many people who do not understand the basics of 401(k), investing, savings accounts, credit cards, and other financial lingo are typically left behind in the wealth-building circle.

That’s why Van Court launched the financial technology company Goalsetter. Founded in 2014, the organization is on a mission to get every family in America saving. Goalsetter allows families to download an app to autosave and set goals.

Ciara and Russell Wilson Provide Students with Savings Accounts

Now, students will have money to add to their savings accounts thanks to a donation from Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson and multi-talented R&B artist Ciara. Each student will receive $40 to start their savings journey.

During Ciara and Russell Wilson’s fun financial literacy presentation, the couple also discussed the importance of investing.

“Russ and I are actually investors too,” says Ciara. “We love being strategic and we love being smart about what we do. Investing is very important. It can also allow you to create an opportunity and build a legacy for your family.”

Wilson addressed fears that have stopped many people from capitalizing on the power of investing. He encouraged students to do their research and proceed intelligently.

“Sometimes you have to dream big, believe big,” says Wilson. “Make sure you know what you are doing. Make sure you learn as much as you can. Read as much as you can. Try to get off Instagram some and make sure you try to learn a little bit about investing… I think there is going to be a whole bunch of millionaires in here and a whole bunch of billionaires and that’s what I’m excited about.”
