Chris Cuomo Spit Hard Truths To His Fellow White Folks

Photo Courtesy of CNN

As the nation stands divided over police reform and police accountability for shooting innocent Black people, CNN’s Chris Cuomo delivered a gut punch to white America during his opening statement on his news show on Friday.

Cuomo boldly suggested that police reform would only come if police officers rampantly killed white children.

How many more?” he asked. “Die of the pandemic, dying from police shootings. George Floyd, Daunte Wright. I wonder if you’ll remember their names six months from now because they’ll be replaced by so many others.”

Cuomo also lambasted the folks who thought police reform was unnecessary, and he called out those who shifted the blame to the innocent victims who’ve died at the hands of racist cops.

“Why do that? Because you wanna make the problem them. Takes the onus off the idea that you’re wrong about policing needing to change,” he added.

“Forget that police are trained to deal with non-compliance with force that is not lethal. Hey, comply or die.”

And then the bold anchor raised and answered the question that is obvious to some Black people– but uncomfortable for some whites to fathom. 


Cuomo said plainly, “And you know what the answer is. You really do. You don’t like it, I don’t like it, it scares me,” he said. “Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, I know when they’ll change. Your kids start getting killed, white people’s kids start getting killed.”

“What is going on with these police? Maybe we shouldn’t even have police,” he said sarcastically. “That kind of mania, that kind of madness, that’ll be you. That’ll be the majority because it’s your people.”

Reactions from social media were divided. 

Some white people refused to see the correlation and claimed he was race-baiting.

 Other Twitter users shut down naysayers with poignant responses. 

And one person posted a video that added validity to Cuomo’s argument.

Ultimately, Cuomo added that unity is the way to have police reform.

“Us and them, us and them. There’s never a solution that doesn’t begin with we. We, the people.”

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