Why Choosing a Career in STEM Is Everything

(Image: iStock.com/allafricaimagessa)

I’ve written a bit lately about the need for career fluency and how earning a degree isn’t enough to chart one’s course toward professional success. College graduates often don’t know how to transition into the working world or even graduate school.

That was one reason why I was so excited to write about the BLOC Conference, held this past weekend in Philadelphia. More than just a career fair, the conference offers sessions on preparing for specific graduate school tracks, such as medical school, law school, or business school, in addition to many other workshops. BLOC seeks to eliminate the unemployment rate of black college grads by providing access to resources and connections that can make a huge difference.


Start Engineering


The organization Start Engineering has partnered with a resource called the Career Gadget, which college grads of all races may find helpful. Career Gadget normally charges a $229 introductory fee for a year to access its 150+ videos and other multimedia resources, but you can sign up for a free two-week trial (the two weeks start when you sign up). Career Gadget also offers salary reviews and explores the variety of careers in STEM and other sectors.

Career Gadget isn’t just for college students–there are course offerings aimed at high school and even elementary students, as well as teachers.

Here’s more information about Career Gadget from Start Engineering:

It’s a STEM world


The calls to study STEM and point yourself toward a STEM career are legion.
Jobs in STEM fields are plentiful, offer reliable employment, and pay well right away. Plus, your family and friends will approve of your choice to pursue one.

But which one?

The array of options open to STEM-oriented students can actually be a problem. There are dozens of STEM majors to choose from and hundreds of STEM-related jobs.

How do students manage to align their own abilities and preferences with the academic and career options in the STEM world that actually match?

Our partnership with The Career Gadget

We have made a great, new friend this year that can help answer this question: The Career Gadget.

This week, Start Engineering and The Career Gadget are launching a partnership, long in the works, to bring TheCareerGadget.com to K-12 audiences in the United States and Canada.

With over 150 videos about STEM careers at its core, TheCareerGadget.com delivers high-quality, multimedia content that connects students to the stimulating, rewarding, and future-proof STEM careers that are right for them.

  • Highlighting particular careers, the videos feature STEM professionals talking about what they do and why they love it.
  • Students, teachers, and parents can find expert guidance in plotting a pathway to the STEM major and career right for any individual student’s interests and abilities.
  • Not all STEM careers require a four-year degree, so TheCareerGadget.com includes all the information students need to identify a trade field that would suit them, too.

Read more at Start Engineering.

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