Children’s Book Author Uses Black Characters to Fight Dentist Fear – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Children’s Book Author Uses Black Characters to Fight Dentist Fear

(Image: Reginald William Butler)
(Image: Reginald William Butler)

How often should we take our children to the dentist?

It’s recommended that you introduce your child to the dentist within the first year of his or her life. He or she can discuss with parents topics of nutrition, evaluate dietary intake which can affect teeth and gums, and help parents establish healthy oral hygiene habits for their children. Scheduled routine visits every six months to the dentist are important and encouraged to establish healthy oral hygiene habits, and to prevent tooth decay in children.

What are some of the dangers of not tending to your children’s dental health?

Serious health conditions can result from poor oral hygiene. Pain due to dental decay can have a devastating effect on the overall health and well-being of a child. It’s important and encouraged for parents to establish healthy oral hygiene habits for their children. Healthy teeth and a beautiful smile can have a positive effect on a child’s confidence and self-esteem.

How can we help kids overcome their fear of the dentist?

Parents can act as role models for their children by demonstrating healthy oral hygiene habits. Talking to their children about going to the dentist and taking good care of their teeth is a great way to help them understand and prepare them for their first dental visit. Having a successful first dental appointment will help to create a positive attitude going forward.

What do you want families to take away from this book?

I want A Sugar Bug on My Tooth to teach and encourage families that going to the dentist is important and can also be fun!

Order A Sugar Bug on My Tooth here, and click through the following pages to see some of the illustrations.
