Cheryl Pearson-McNeil to Keynote the New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Expo

The New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council’s 2013 Business Opportunity Expo, considered New York City’s top conference on corporations outsourcing to multicultural businesses, will be held from June 19-20 at the New York Marriott Marquis, 1535 Broadway in Manhattan.

The Expo’s theme, The Minority-Majority: A New Value Proposition, explores the impact of a multicultural America on minority business development. It reflects the changing demographics in America and the influence this population has on the consumer marketplace.

The two day event kicks off on June 19 from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. with afternoon workshops, seminars and an evening reception. On June 20, from 6:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., the highlights include match-maker sessions, power breakfast, awards luncheon and a full day of the popular trade fair, which features networking with some of America’s top corporations and minority businesses.

At the Sponsors Luncheon, special awards will be presented to minority businesses and corporate members for successful, innovative partnerships. There will be over 100 exhibitors encompassing Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and minority businesses.

Multicultural demographics expert Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, senior vice president of Public Affairs and Government Relations at The Nielsen Company, will deliver the The luncheon keynote address.

In her current position, Cheryl

holds responsibility for widening the scope of the company’s government, community, and corporate social responsibility programs across the United States; oversees the company’s national multicultural advertising strategy; works to expand public outreach efforts across the company’s businesses; and is the visionary behind Nielsen’s award-winning annual African-American Consumer Report.

Cheryl has won numerous awards and honors. In 2012, Purdue University named her a Distinguished Alumna; was featured in Essence Magazine; NBC’s the Grio.com included her in its “2012 Class of 100 Americans Making History Today”; and Target Market News named her “Executive of the Year.” The Chicago Tribune profiled her in its weekly “Remarkable Person” feature and she has been featured in other numerous national, regional and local magazines and publication.

For information, contact 212-502-5663 or or www.nynjcouncilexpo.com.

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