Charting The Growth Industries – Page 2 – Black Enterprise
Career Magazine

Charting The Growth Industries

Information Technology: 872,000 projected jobs available in 2016

Technology is, of course, the focal point for all that we do. Watson writes there are a number of factors propelling the industry, specifically, demand for integrating new hardware, customized applications, and for mobile technologies and devices such as Wi-Fi, Blackberries, and iPhones. Not only that, but IT is needed to address the global marketplace. “IT allows companies to design, manufacture, market, and communicate with partners around the world. The relevance of IT will only accelerate as emerging markets grow to become a larger component of the economy,” notes Jayson Noland, senior analyst of IT hardware for Robert W. Baird & Co. The industry is comprised of numerous semi-independent fields, such as database administrators, computer software engineers, network systems, and data communication analysts; combined, 872,000 new jobs are projected in the next six years according to Watson. To work in the industry, you must be willing to and capable of adapting to the rapid changes it experiences. The level of education and type of training varies based on an employer’s needs, but employers are demanding skill and expertise in other fields, particularly business concentrations such as sales or finance.

Education: 479,000 projected jobs available in 2016

As of Sept. 30, more than $67 billion in education Recovery Act formula grants have been awarded and in turn, 325,000 education jobs were retained or created. It is estimated that 479,000 new jobs will be created by 2016, making education an attractive sector. There is a particular demand for primary and secondary school teachers, especially in urban school districts. But the opportunities in education aren’t just limited to educating children. Teaching positions are in demand for adults who need assistance in updating their skills. In this sector, candidates must have patience, the ability to motivate students, good communication skills, plus creativity and understanding to meet the various needs of students and to apply different teaching methods.

Security: 120,000 projected jobs available in 2016

Due to increased efforts to protect the country from drug trafficking, illegal immigration, terrorism, and even cyber threats, job prospects in law enforcement, defense, aerospace, and homeland security are plentiful. In fact, the departments of Defense and Homeland Security are expected to offer more than 83,000 new jobs, states Watson. Additionally, more than 15,000 new customs and border control agents, and 22,000 Transportation Security Agency airport screeners will be hired during the next few years. Other employers include the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Government Accountability Office, Securities and Exchange Commission, NASA, and the Department of Justice.  Generally, most of what one needs to know is acquired on the job, but candidates must be U.S. citizens, at least 20 years old, and are subjected to screenings and background checks. Specific skill sets are based on the selected role but overall, candidates should enjoy working with people.
