Cellphones Spammed With Anti-Obama Texts – Black Enterprise
News Politics

Cellphones Spammed With Anti-Obama Texts

A proliferation of unsolicited anti-Obama text messages began hitting cellphones on Tuesday night. Politico reports that they were sent by conservative activist Jason Flanary and his Virginia-based communications firm, ccAdvertising.

One message read, “Voting for Obama means voting for same-sex marriage.”

Others: “Obama stole $716 Billion in Medicare. We cant [sic] trust Obama to protect our seniors.” “Obama is using your tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood and abortions. Is that right?” and “VP Biden mocks a fallen Navy Seal during memorial. Our military deserves better.”

It appears the messages were sent haphazardly – hardcore Democrats, children and residents in non-battleground areas have received them.

Read more at The Grio.
