Celebrity Blogger Karen Civil Donates $41,000 to Haiti – Black Enterprise
Arts and Culture Lifestyle

Celebrity Blogger Karen Civil Donates $41,000 to Haiti

(Image: Instagram)
(Image: Instagram)

Celebrity blogger and entrepreneur Karen Civil is using her well-known platform to make a difference in her family’s birthplace.

Coming from a Haitian background, the young entrepreneur brought in her 30th birthday in a major way as she broke ground on the Live Civil Playground in Prodev-operated school Ecole Nouvelle Zoranje in Village de la Renaissance in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

“Coming from a Haitian-American background, I thought it was necessary to give back to the country in which my parents were born and raised for my birthday,” Civil wrote on Instagram.

With a $41,000 donation from Civil and the help of Sow a Seed, construction of the new playground started this past weekend.

Check out video of her visit below:

In addition to thanking Sow a Seed for their contributions to the project, Civil also thanked Nick Cannon and Project Canvas for donating canvas sneakers to the students in an effort to help them express their artistic side.

Using this moment to reflect on her career journey and the lessons that 2014 has taught her, the 30-year-old expressed how it took a lot of risk and faith to get to the position she is in today.

“It is at your lowest point where you ultimately find the potential to get to your highest point in life,” said Civil. “Essentially, 2014, has taught me this life lesson. Nervous and uncertain, yet determined to fully live my divine purpose, I took a step out on faith and resigned from my position at Beats by Dre. At that very moment, every choice I’ve ever made in life, would prepare me for this very moment. I have never been so at peace and in love with my life. I thank my heavily father, my family & friends who continue to believe and support me through every choice and for seeing the vision that God has instilled in me. #LiveCivilPlayground”

