CBC Launches Jobs Initiative to Include Town Hall Meetings, Job Fairs – Black Enterprise
Career News

CBC Launches Jobs Initiative to Include Town Hall Meetings, Job Fairs

The Congressional Black Caucus recently launched the For the People” Jobs Initiative to directly address the issue of unemployment in under-served communities. Among other efforts to push legislation that will create jobs among an African American population where the jobless rate stands at more than 16%, the CBC will host job fairs and town hall meetings in major cities across the nation. More than 100 employers, including Fortune 500 companies, are expected to be represented at the job fairs. The kick-off fair will be hosted by Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge at Cleveland State University, and will include job readiness workshops and technical assistance seminars.

Also, not only can job seekers find opportunities, but the CBC is welcoming the free registry of companies who have employment opportunities available and would like to participate in the fairs.

For more information, visit TheCongressionalBlackCaucus.com or email CBCjobs@mail.house.gov.


August 8
Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge, Host
Cleveland State University

August 16
Congressmen John Conyers and Hansen Clarke, Hosts
Wayne County Community College

August 18
Congressman John Lewis, Host
Atlanta Technical College

August 22-23
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, Host
James L. Knight Center, Downtown Miami
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church

Los Angeles
August 30-31
Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Host
Southwest College
