Candace Owens Says Police Officer Who Fatally Shot Rayshard Brooks Was ‘Unjustly’ Fired – Black Enterprise

Candace Owens Says Police Officer Who Fatally Shot Rayshard Brooks Was ‘Unjustly’ Fired

Candace Owens (center) poses with a group of police officers (Image: Twitter)

Black conservative and political firestorm Candace Owens has stated that the Atlanta police officer who shot and killed Rayshard Brooks in the back was unjustly fired. The Pro-Trump and anti-Black Lives Matter pundit took issue with the firing of former Atlanta police officer Garrett Rolfe via her Twitter account.

Utilizing the hashtag #BackTheBlue, Owens professes her love for police officers.

She then moves on to speak about the police killing of Brooks by stating: “He was JUSTIFIABLY fired on.

While “DEMANDING that the police chief be reinstated” Owens then calls on Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms to “RESIGN”

As her rant continues, she states “We are tired of being told we “ain’t black” because we don’t have the time or the desire to defend your criminal ass brother, cousin, or son— just because he has the same complexion as us.”

Before ending her rant, she vows that she is “building out a fund” for officers that she feels are “unjustly terminated.”

She then ends her tirade with:


