Can Young Black Men Be Saved? – Page 6 – Black Enterprise

Can Young Black Men Be Saved?

for Political and Economic Progress of African Americans, a new organization charged with developing an overall strategy to advance black Americans. Charter members would include the National Urban League, the NAACP, The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, and the Leon Sullivan Foundation. “I believe existing self-help organizations working through the council could be urged to adopt specific goals that they advocate and take steps to achieve those goals,” Brimmer says.

Regardless of the strategy, the board believes action must be taken now. Although the traditional black leadership will lend their voices to this effort, the advancement of black men will ultimately rest with the energy, ideas, and financial muscle of the black professional and entrepreneurial classes.

BE Readers Sound Off
In two online polls, BLACK ENTERPRISE asked visitors about the plight of African American males. In the first poll, 27% of the 3,216 respondents felt lack of educational achievement was most to blame, while 25% cited lack of self-esteem.

In the second poll, 39% of the 4,043 respondents said the best way to address low achievement was through mentoring programs; 31% felt creating specialized African American schools was the best solution.
