Brand Your Business Using Online Video – Black Enterprise

Brand Your Business Using Online Video

Are you using online video content to draw in traffic and new customers for your business? If the answer is no, then you are behind the times.

Video is a huge platform not just in America but around the world, reports Small Business Trends. Video content gets a greater percentage of clicks than other online content. The major video hosting websites are boasting big numbers. There are 13 million Vine users on Twitter, Vimeo has just announced 14 million members, and video giant YouTube has a viewership of 1 billion.

Your small business can tap into the power of online video content by creating online tutorials about how to use your product or what to use it for. That’s one common way. But an even better way is to think about complimentary ideas or services you can illustrate on video. For example, if you own a restaurant, you could offer cooking tips for special recipes.

Online video content is an opportunity to put a human face on your brand. Show what goes on behind the scenes at your business and let people get to know you and your team. For instance, you can develop a series of staff interviews, create a day-in-the-life scenario, or do a walk-through of your office, production floor, or warehouse.

Also, testimonials and customer interviews make for an interesting and convincing form of video content that goes over well with Internet viewers. Put out a call on your website, through email marketing, or on social media and ask your customers to send in video clips–either talking about or using your products or services. If you have a retail location, you can record testimonials on-site (be sure to get your customers’ permission to use it).

Showing what your customers don’t usually see is a great way to generate interest in your small business through online video content.
