Board-Certified Teachers More Effective, New Studies Affirm – Black Enterprise

Board-Certified Teachers More Effective, New Studies Affirm

(Image: File)
(Image: File)

Written by Stephen Sawchuk, an associate editor for Education Week specializing in teacher issues, which he also covers in his blog, Teacher Beat.

The evidence continues to mount that teachers who earn national-board certification are more effective than other teachers, both at the high school and elementary levels.

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Two recently released studies show higher test scores by students who are taught by board-certified teachers. The findings are in line with previous research.

That’s a boon for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the group that runs the certification program. Its president, Ronald Thorpe, has been making the case that, as in other professions, board certification should be the aspiration–indeed, a professional norm–of the nation’s 3.5 million teachers, rather than an exception.

Read more here at Education Week...
