Blown Away By Katrina – Page 7 – Black Enterprise
Magazine News

Blown Away By Katrina

a free meal plan for the academic year to any college student forced to relocate to another college or university that is serviced by the contract food company.

  • MV Transportation Inc. (No. 15 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE list with $271.9 million in sales) sent 52 buses and vans to Louisiana, some borrowed from clients, and 75 employees from across the country to transport elderly, disabled, and ailing evacuees. After MV set up points in different regions of the country where the drivers could meet, more than half of the vehicles arrived in Louisiana by Friday, and the remainder arrived the next day.
  • Mays Chemical Co. Inc. (No. 25 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE list with $159 million in sales), organized a fundraiser to support employees who took in displaced relatives in Indianapolis. It also pledged corporate contributions to the Red Cross and Tom Joyner’s Black America Web initiative created to help families taking in victims.
  • CAMAC International Inc. (No. 2 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE list with $987 million in sales) provided financial assistance through its subsidiary, Unity National Bank. The company also pledged a corporate donation of $10,000 and sponsored a fundraising drive.
  • Calhoun Enterprises (No. 31 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE list with $112.7 million in sales) sent two truckloads of food and other nonperishable goods and arranged to sell products at a discount to the Red Cross and other organizations sending items. The company will also hold a radio fundraiser in conjunction with its local Red Cross.
  • Integrated Packaging Corp. (No. 32 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE list with $107.8 million in sales) has set up a payroll deduction program to assist families and may also make a corporate donation.
  • SET Enterprises Inc. (No. 17 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE list with $212 million in sales) is taking contributions from employees, which the CEO will match.
  • The Specialized Packaging Group (No. 29 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE list with $128.8 million in sales) organized an unlimited employee gift-matching program. The proceeds were sent to the Red Cross.
  • Sun State International Trucks L.L.C. (No. 48 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE list with $75 million in sales) took up a collection among employees to which the company will add $5,000
  • Black Owned Businesses

    State Number of Firms Sales and receipts ($1,000) Number of Employees
    Louisiana 40,252 1,994,686 21,655
    Mississippi 25,004 1,333,119 11,450
