Black Women Entrepreneurs Vie For $10K at the Entrepreneurs Summit Pitch Competition

The Elevator Pitch competition at the 2017 Entrepreneurs Summit

The votes are in. And we are excited to announce the top four finalists for this year’s Level Up! Pitching for Dollars elevator pitch competition at the Entrepreneurs Summit presented by Nationwide! We opened the voting to the public, and the people have decided.

Drum roll, please!

Below are the small business owners and entrepreneurs who will pitch for their chance to win $10,000 and level up. And can we just say that we are ecstatic about that fact that all of the finalists are black women entrepreneurs. It is the year of the woman after all!

Read what the final four are looking forward to as contestants.

1. Swimmie Caps



What are you hoping to gain from the experience of being a finalist in the competition?

I’m hoping to learn and look forward to all of the advice from the judges. I’m so open and I’m looking to learn ways to overcome any challenges that I might face in the future. And, I’m really excited to meet the other finalists.

What would winning the competition mean for you and the future of Swimmie Cap?

Winning would mean the world. Who wouldn’t want to win the $10K and the mentorship that comes along with it? I have to be very honest, given my background, experiences, and challenges that I’ve overcome, this is more than just a pitch competition for me. There are so many people who have been supportive of me. I know that Black Enterprise magazine goes into the federal prisons because I had them come to me when I was incarcerated. So, to know that another inmate or someone who is getting ready to be released from prison could just so happen to come across a formerly incarcerated woman as a finalist or a winner would signify more than just a win for me. It would mean a win for all of the formerly incarcerated individuals and those who are currently incarcerated because it would signify hope.  —Yolanda Flournah-Perkins, Founder of Swimmie Caps

2. CPR Wrap



What are you hoping to gain from the experience of being a finalist in the competition?

When you pitch in competitions like this you are afforded relationships you would not normally have. I have mentors and advisers that I can talk to but I would like to reach out and have more people available to me that I’m not normally exposed to.

It will also afford me the opportunity to get my product out to more people and not just locally. The more people that know about this product, the better.

What would winning the competition mean for you and the future of CPR Wrap?

Winning would mean so much. We’re a startup so to win this competition it would help us with our manufacturing costs and marketing expenses especially as people are trying to order the CPR Wrap. —Felicia Jackson, Founder of CPR Wrap

3. InternLocal



What are you hoping to gain from the experience of being a finalist in the competition?

The No. 1 thing I’m hoping to gain is that $10,000! My eyes are set on that and not from a greedy perspective but to really bring my vision to life and to [make] my dreams come true and build a platform that really enables the social acclimation of young professionals and professionals all over the world.

I really believe that it solves a problem. And sometimes solving the biggest of problems requires big dollars.

What would winning the competition mean for you and the future of InternLocal?

Winning the competition will speak volumes to what is to come so it would be validating. It would literally bring life to the dream that is within my heart.  —Raven Solomon, Founder of InternLocal

4. Lush Yummies Pie Co.



What are you hoping to gain from the experience of being a finalist in the competition?

First, let me say that I am overjoyed that I even get the opportunity to pitch on the main stage. I have attended the conference in previous years and this is actually my third time applying for the pitch competition. I am hoping to gain valuable relationships and resources from pitching. I have learned that there are often people in the audience that can take your business to places that you have never imagined and winning is often the icing on the cake.

What would winning the competition mean for you and the future of Lush Yummies Pie Co.?

If selected as a winner, this opportunity would not only help to grow this company and meet order demands, but it would open up a world of opportunities. In addition, I would be able to provide jobs to local community members with my growth. I have given this business my all and if selected, I would be honored to share my story of family, tradition, and hard work with the Black Enterprise community.  —Jennifer Lyle, Founder of Lush Yummies Pie Co.


If you are eager to hear our finalist pitch for big bucks, come watch them take the main stage at the Entrepreneurs Summit


But wait, if you want to practice and perfect your pitch you’ll want to be in the room for your chance to participate in our first-ever Pop-Up Pitch. Finalists will receive one-on-one coaching from social entrepreneurship expert and SVP/Executive Editor-at-Large Alfred A. Edmond Jr. and get the chance to compete on the main stage. So come ready!

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