7 Beauty Products for Better Black Skin – Black Enterprise
Fashion & Beauty Lifestyle

7 Beauty Products for Better Black Skin

black man clear skin
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black man clear skinWith the seasonal changes come changes with your skin. Here are a few products that could help keep your skin smooth and supple throughout the months.

Uptown Magazine gives a list of 7 beauty products that experts recommend.

Skin care experts reveal the best products to stop father time for both sexes.

Dr. Fran Cook-Bolden, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Beth Israel Medical Center, and director of the Skin Specialty Dermatology in New York City, shares ways to prevent obvious aging.


– Flatten lines and prevent wrinkles with Botox and Dysport, which are both fast acting, safe and provide an instantly fresh face.

РFillers restore volume and fullness to problem areas. Restylane, Perlane and Juv̩derm Ultra Plus are my favorites. Plus, Restylane is great for tackling under-eye hollowing and discoloration.

– There are an array of peel systems for all skin tones and types. Topix Perfect 10 Peel combines multiple acids, allowing you to get great results.

Read the rest at Uptown
